Incremental Lift Poster

Measuring Incremental Lift: A Beginner's Guide

Measuring Incremental Lift: A Beginner's Guide

If you're new to Facebook advertising, you've probably heard the term "incremental lift" thrown around. But what does it mean, and why is it important? In this blog post, we'll break it down in plain English and provide some practical tips for measuring incremental lift in specific industries like hospitality, real estate, and travel.

What is Incremental Lift?

Simply put, incremental lift is the extra boost your business gets from your advertising efforts. It's the difference between what would have happened without your ads and what actually happened with your ads running.

For example, if you normally sell 100 hotel rooms a week, and after running a Facebook ad campaign, you sell 150 rooms, the incremental lift is 50 rooms. This shows you the real impact of your advertising.

Tip: Don't confuse incremental lift with total sales. It's about the additional impact your ads create.

Why is Measuring Incremental Lift Important?

Measuring incremental lift helps you understand the true value of your advertising. It shows you how much extra business you're getting for your ad spend, which is crucial for calculating your return on investment (ROI).

How to Measure Incremental Lift

Facebook provides tools to help you measure incremental lift. Here's a basic process:

  1. Set up a test group (people who see your ads) and a control group (people who don't).
  2. Run your ad campaign.
  3. Compare the results between the two groups.
  4. The difference is your incremental lift.
Trick: Use Facebook's Experiment tool (formerly Test and Learn) to set up these tests easily.

Tactics for Specific Industries


In the hospitality industry, you might measure incremental lift in terms of:

  • Additional room bookings
  • Increased length of stay
  • Higher-value room upgrades

Strategy: Run ads showcasing special packages or amenities to encourage longer stays or upgrades.

Real Estate

For real estate, consider measuring:

  • Increased property inquiries
  • More virtual tour bookings
  • Higher attendance at open houses

Strategy: Use Facebook's dynamic ads for real estate to show relevant properties to potential buyers based on their interests and behaviors.


In the travel industry, you might look at:

  • Additional flight or package bookings
  • Increased travel insurance purchases
  • More sign-ups for loyalty programs

Strategy: Utilize Facebook's travel ads to retarget users who have shown interest in specific destinations.

Observations and Best Practices

  • Be patient: Incremental lift tests often require larger audiences and longer run times to show significant results.
  • Consider seasonality: In industries like travel and hospitality, factor in seasonal trends when interpreting your results.
  • Look beyond conversions: Sometimes the lift might be in awareness or consideration, which can lead to future sales.
Pro Tip: Use Facebook's Conversion Lift study to get a more comprehensive view of how your ads are impacting both online and offline conversions.

By understanding and measuring incremental lift, you can make smarter decisions about your Facebook ad spend and strategy. Remember, it's not just about how many sales you're making, but how many extra sales your ads are driving.

Sources and Further Reading

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