Creating-The-Hospitality-Tutor-A-Case-Study-in-Prompt-Engineering Robert McCall Art and Design

Creating The Hospitality Tutor - A Case Study in Prompt Engineering

Hello, aspiring prompt engineers and AI enthusiasts!

Today, we're diving into the fascinating process of creating "The Hospitality Tutor," an AI-powered training assistant for New Zealand's hospitality sector. This case study will walk you through our prompt design process, showcasing how we developed a complex, interactive AI tool from the ground up.

As a recently retired chef, I’m all too familiar with the friction, personalities and potential dangers working inside the kitchen, both back of house and front of house. And to be honest, often, management are not equiped to resolve a conflict or find a satisfactory conclusion. 

The Challenge

Our goal was to create an AI assistant that could provide targeted, context-specific training for New Zealand's hospitality sector. This assistant needed to address a wide range of conflict scenarios, offer solutions, and adapt to the unique cultural and legal landscape of New Zealand's hospitality industry.

The Process

Step 1: Defining the Scope

We began by outlining ten workplace scenarios within the hospitality sector of New Zealand that have the potential to cause conflict and damage business reputation. These scenarios ranged from cultural insensitivity to food safety violations, covering a broad spectrum of potential issues.

 Step 2: Developing Resolution Strategies

For each scenario, we created prompts that could lead to solutions. We considered why we would use each particular prompt and the rationale behind it. This step was crucial in ensuring our AI assistant would provide practical, actionable advice.

Step 3: Crafting the Master Prompt

We then developed what we call "The Kiwi Hospitality Prompt." This is a comprehensive instruction set for the AI, detailing how it should interact with users, process scenarios, and provide solutions.

The Result: 

This prompt instructs the AI to:

1. Ask users to describe their conflict scenario
2. Analyze the scenario and identify key issues
3. Ask clarifying questions
4. Search its database for similar cases and best practices
5. Present potential solutions
6. Ask users for their preferred solution
7. Provide a detailed action plan
8. Offer to role-play the scenario

Throughout this process, the AI maintains a friendly, professional tone that reflects New Zealand's hospitality culture, using local terms and references when appropriate.

Technical Classification

In prompt engineering terms, this type of prompt is known as a "Complex Instruction Set" or "Multi-step Task Prompt." It combines elements of role-playing prompts, instruction-following prompts, and interactive conversation prompts to create a sophisticated AI behavior model.

Real-World Application

The Hospitality Tutor is designed to handle scenarios such as:

- A guest finding a hair in their food at a high-end restaurant
- Double-booking issues at a boutique hotel
- Overserving alcohol at a popular pub
- Punctuality problems with kitchen staff
- Accusations of theft against hotel staff
- Cultural insensitivity at a Māori cultural experience
- Workplace favoritism at a vineyard restaurant
- Outdated information provided by a concierge
- Allergies being dismissed by a chef
- A tour guide arriving at work intoxicated

For each of these scenarios, The Hospitality Tutor can provide tailored advice, considering legal, ethical, and cultural aspects unique to New Zealand.

Invitation to Hospitality Providers

Are you a hospitality provider in New Zealand looking to enhance your staff training and conflict resolution skills? We invite you to subscribe to The Hospitality Tutor!

By subscribing, you'll gain access to:

- Personalized conflict resolution advice
- Interactive scenario training
- Regular updates on best practices in the New Zealand hospitality sector
- A powerful tool to enhance your team's problem-solving skills

To learn more, please subscribe. Or get in touch if you’d like a custom app designed for your restaurant or hotel.

The creation of The Hospitality Tutor demonstrates the power of thoughtful prompt engineering. By carefully crafting our prompts and considering the specific needs of our target industry, we've created a tool that can provide valuable, context-specific advice in a dynamic, interactive manner.

For prompt design students, this case study illustrates the importance of:

1. Clear definition of the AI's role and capabilities
2. Thorough understanding of the target domain
3. Incorporation of interactive elements
4. Consideration of cultural and local context
5. Emphasis on practical, actionable outcomes

We hope this inside look at our process has been illuminating. Happy prompting!

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