Modern-Art-and-Golf-Course-Design Robert McCall Art and Design

Modern Art and Golf Course Design

Modern Art on the Greens and in the Dining Room


Golf is becoming a super sensory experience where modern architecture and design meet to elevate golfers and food lovers alike.

In a world where culinary and visual arts are increasingly intersecting, modern art in golf clubs and restaurants is no longer just a backdrop—it's a game-changer.

Picture this: you're finishing the 18th hole, the sun sets in a blaze of glory, and as you step into the club, you're greeted by a symphony of colors and shapes that elevate your senses even before your first sip of wine. Welcome to the new frontier where the fairways meet the galleries, where modern art transforms not just spaces, but experiences.

Art on the Greens

Golf clubs have always been synonymous with lush landscapes, manicured fairways and meticulous design, but now, they're becoming canvases for contemporary creativity. The manicured greens and rolling fairways are perfect stages for sculptures that break the monotony of green with vibrant, thought-provoking installations. Imagine a towering abstract sculpture by the tee box or a sleek, modern piece strategically placed near the clubhouse, creating an intersection of sport and sophistication.

Look no further than Michael Hill, the jewellery designer who created a feast for art lovers at The Hills in Queenstown!


These artistic additions do more than decorate—they inspire. Golfers find themselves contemplating not just their next shot, but the artistic vision before them. It's a blend of physical and intellectual challenge, adding depth to the traditional golfing experience.

Art in these spaces is not just ornamental; it’s integral, influencing the ambiance and the very perception of the course.

Restaurants and Modern Art

Step into a restaurant that understands the true power of art, and you're stepping into a sensory feast. As a chef I understand the confluence between art and dining spaces - it's about creating an atmosphere that tantalizes the eyes as much as the taste buds. Bold, contemporary pieces can transform a room, making it a dynamic, immersive experience.

Modern art is a conversation starter, a focal point that enhances the overall dining experience. Or think about smaller, curated pieces that reflect the cuisine’s theme, subtly enhancing the mood and flavor of the environment. Or even the menu. Art, in this context, is not just seen but felt, creating an emotional resonance that lingers long after the meal is over.

Art as an Experience Enhancer

Why does modern art make such a difference?

Because it engages customers on multiple levels. Visually, it draws attention and creates an immediate impression. Intellectually, it stimulates curiosity and conversation. Emotionally, it evokes feelings that can enhance the overall experience, making dining or golfing not just an activity, but an event.

For the patrons, it's a sensory adventure. For the establishment, it's a branding tool, a way to differentiate and elevate their space. The right piece of art can become iconic, synonymous with the venue itself, creating a lasting impression that drives repeat visits.

So, if you’re running a golf club and restaurant think about collaborating with an artist, or a group of artists.

Incorporating modern art into golf clubs and restaurants is more than a design trend—it's a strategic move that enhances the overall experience. It's about creating spaces that are as visually engaging as they are functionally excellent. So next time you find yourself at a golf club or dining out, take a moment to appreciate the art around you. It's there to heighten your experience, making every putt and every plate a little more extraordinary.

Below is a taste of my series designed for the clubhouse restaurant or pro shop. If you’d like to know more send me a note!



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